
hi, it’s me, maddi

future flight nurse

rescue ready

one love

i love you just the way you are

me + God + billy joel


spotify wrapped came out yesterday — it’s the summary of what you’ve been listening to on spotify over the past year. my 2021 results were dismal. i intend to do better next year. maybe that sounds silly — it IS silly, judging myself like this. ‘dismal’ isn’t the right word. disappointing? hmm, that’s somehow worse.…

t r a n s f o r m a t i o n

it is a day of beginnings. which, of course, always means a day of endings, too. today i am committing to a new life. today i am becoming brand new. VISION in the past few months, i have come face to face with myself. i have accepted that i am operating below the veil of…

may everything i dobenefit all people everywhere